Security Awareness: Dos & Don’ts
Key Takeaways for Maximizing Security Awareness Effectiveness
I. Introduction
DON'T underestimate the specific challenges faced, such as limited budgets and lack of in-house expertise.
DO understand the importance of security awareness. It enables individuals to recognize security problems and act accordingly.
II. Duolingo-Inspired Learning Model
DON'T rely solely on generic cybersecurity information. Your security awareness program should reflect your unique business environment.
DO embrace the use of personalized learnings, ensure that content is customized to your business needs, including relevant scenarios and examples.
DO embrace the use of micro/nano learnings. Brief, engaging, and easy-to-digest lessons can enhance security awareness significantly.
III. Safety Science
DON'T expect perfect security awareness to eliminate all risks. Humans make mistakes; what's important is minimizing the damage caused by these errors.
DO consider applying safety science principles to cybersecurity. This involves focusing on layered security and designing systems to minimize damage when errors occur.
IV. Compliance Box Ticking
DON'T let compliance dictate your security awareness program. Compliance can provide a foundation, but a security-aware culture goes beyond mere compliance.
DO meet compliance requirements, but understand that they are only the minimum. Compliance should not be the end goal, but a starting point.
DO integrate compliance with effective security awareness through ongoing training, reinforcement, and addressing employee behavior and habits.
V. Effectiveness: Key Factors
DON'T overlook the adverse outcome if the awareness program doesn’t achieve its objectives. This needs to be quantified and understood.
DO clearly define the objectives of your security awareness program and have measures in place to assess its progress.
DO use a risk map to identify key security risks, prioritize them, and address vulnerabilities.
DO ask the right survey questions to assess employee security awareness and identify areas for improvement.
DO adopt a top-down approach. Security policies should be clear, actionable, consistently enforced, and updated regularly. Use engaging, informative content like videos to demonstrate leadership commitment to security.
VI. Conclusion
DON'T rely solely on employee 'awareness'. Even the most aware employees can make mistakes. In bad times, your business's resilience depends on how your systems function, not just on how ‘aware’ your employees are.
You do not rise to the level of your goals. You fall to the level of your systems.
DO recognize the importance of creating a security-aware culture. This culture requires ongoing communication, continuous improvement, and adaptation to emerging threats.
In Summary:
Invest in security training that focuses on minimizing user-initiated impact rather than eliminating human error.
Align your security awareness training with your specific business needs.
Leverage safety science principles for a more effective security posture.
Compliance is crucial, but it's only a starting point, not the end goal.
Measure the effectiveness of your security awareness program through regular assessments and feedback.
Security awareness is a top-down endeavor that requires leadership commitment.
Recognize that system resilience is as critical, if not more so, than employee awareness in the event of a security breach.
Published June 23th 2023